Public Relations

We provide public relations services for a wide variety of clients. Our services include copywriting press releases for publishing in local and regional magazines and newspapers as well as company spokesperson appearances on local and regional television stations. RLS Group maintains close personal relationships with television news anchors and reporters.
"America the Beautiful" Pregame Performance at Super Bowl XXXIX
RLS Group’s public relations skills really swung into action when our client, The Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind was asked to perform “America the Beautiful” with Alicia Keyes right before the kickoff of Super Bowl XXXIX.
150 children from The Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind sang and used sign language to convey the meaning and words of “America the Beautiful” to a captivated worldwide audience.
RLS Group worked extensively for several months prior to the Superbowl directly working with the NFL and the Superbowl production company, Don Mischer Productions.
RLS Group worked with the following television networks locally and nationally to promote our client's work through public relations: