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How Do I Check My Website Search Engine Ranking?



Page Rank Checker and Domain Analysis Tool. Free tool reports PageRank and other important SEO statistics about your website.

RLS Group uses PageRank Checker to check SEO on websites
Link Juice Diagram

"Link Juice" and PageRank Checker for SEO

A major issue that our agency explains to clients is that linking everything in their website from navigation links is bad for SEO. Website updates should always be followed by using PageRank Checker.
Marketing managers and business owners largely agree that everything having to do with their product or service is important and needs its own link.
In reality, having too many links "waters down" the SEO value  those internal links provide as they pass through the site. 

How Do Websites Get More Link Juice?

The smartest way to attract more links to a website is to:

  • Create authoritative, useful and trusted content
  • Improve the strength and popularity of the brand
  • Continually advertise, promote and generate PR
  • Promote good website content and be sure it gets to the right audience

Enter PageRank

PageRank Checker is one part of Google's ranking algorithm and it flows within your site through internal links as well as to your site from external links across the web.

Using a strong hierarchal site structure will ensure that PageRank juice flows optimally through a well organized site. Reducing the number of navigation links in your site (including flyouts and dropdowns) will increase the amount of PageRank juice that your site gives to its category and other important pages. Your navigation needs to balance between strong usability and SEO optimization.

Google no longer has a 100-links-per-page Webmaster guideline, but reserves the right to take action on any site that looks spammy and has far too many links on a single page.

About the PageRank Checker Calculator

Each increase of 1 PageRank represents about a ninefold increase in the number/strength of incoming links. This is represented in the calculator as a ninefold increase in PageRank juice that the page can pass on through links. A PageRank 1 site is arbitrarily assigned a starting PageRank juice of 100.

Not all PageRank Juice passes from a page -- only about 85% of it passes outward, which the calculator includes in its calculation. The PageRank juice is divided by the total number of links on a page, including NoFollow links (NoFollow links do not pass PageRank, but do reduce the total amount of juice passed to other links).

PageRank is one small part of Google's ranking algorithm, and PageRank alone will not necessarily mean that your site will rank well. However, PageRank improvements will increase the ability of a well-optimized site to rank.

Have a low PageRank number? Use PageRank Checker to get your website to show up in search engines - contact RLS Group at 904-342-6479.